Two ambitious goals set by The European Union are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and to be climate-neutral by 2050, with net zero CO₂ emissions. Decarbonising EU industry is a very serious opportunity and one of the major challenges to reach this target.
The recently published EiiF (The European Industrial Insulation Foundation) Study 2021 reveals that 14 MT (million tons) of energy can be saved by improving insulation standards in industry with energy efficient insulation systems, offering the potential to reduce EU’s CO2 emissions by 40 MT every year. The study sheds light on enormous potentials of money and energy savings that consequently reduce greenhouse gas emissions - setting the industry on the right course towards the year 2050.
According to EiiF's analysis, industrial insulation can deliver annual energy savings of 14 MT. This amount is equivalent to the annual energy consumption of 10 million European households.
On the upside, there are widely available and effective short-term industrial insulation solutions, which are cost-effective to the asset owners. Power-teK insulation for industrial application developed by Knauf Insulation is ideal for the job and can easily meet the various industry specific needs.