Our Technical Insulation plant is in "GREEN LEADER" category

Knauf Insulation Croatia achieved Green Star certification with a four-star rating

By Knauf Insulation
March 08, 2024

Company has joined the ranks of Green Star certificate recipients, which shows where we are on the path of green transformation and how well we are doing in integrating sustainability and climate action into our business.

The result confirms that sustainability and sustainable business development are firmly embedded in our business strategy and business models, actively improving our climate footprint, and that the company's management is taking responsibility for sustainable business.

Green Leaders are progressive companies that have embedded sustainable business principles firmly into their business strategy and business models. Responsibility for sustainable business lies with the company's leadership. They work to assess climate risks and seize opportunities on the path to green transformation. They actively contribute to climate neutrality by setting ambitious climate and other environmental targets. They measure the status in all three ESG areas. They assess the impact of climate risks on their business, supply and value chains. They have a track record of making data-driven decisions and implementing sustainable solutions. Employees and relevant partners are actively involved in green transformation and sustainable business management. They strive to communicate progress adequately both internally and to external stakeholders.


The Green Star certificate complies with recognised reporting frameworks and standards:

  • United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – 17 Sustainable Development Goals,
  • Paris Agreement,
  • OECD Guidelines,
  • International guidelines for sustainable business (TFCD, CDP, GRI, CDSB, World Economic Forum and Science Based Targets Initiative − SBTi),
  • and European Union regulatory documents (EU Green Deal, Circular Economy Action Plan, Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive Draft, EU-Taxonomy, Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive Draft, Proposal for a Regulation on Ecodesign for Sustainable Products, Draft EFRAG Standards).

 What is Green Star?

Green Star is a certificate of excellence for the progress of a company towards a green transformation, which includes the structured introduction of sustainability (ESG) aspects and climate action into its business operations.

The basis for issuing the certificate is the Green Star ESG rating in the area of sustainable business and the climate action rating. The ESG rating assesses the impact of governance, environmental and social factors on the company, and the company's footprint and impact on the environment, society and climate. The Green Star ESG rating is based on international frameworks and standards for sustainability reporting and EU legislation.


More information: Home (green-star.si)